Personal Finance Guide
for New Families

Recent data suggests the average cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 in the US was estimated to be over $230k. However, this figure does not include the cost of college tuition, making memories as a family on vacations, sending your daughter on that fun spring break trip, buying junior the snowboard helmet he needs to protect his noggin, you get the idea.

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That $230k does not accurately reflect the cost of raising a child, and it merely represents the cost of raising at child at this point in time (LendingTree 2023). As parents, we must prepare for more inflation, and rising costs, because children born in 2024 will turn 18 in 2042.

Yeah, we agree. It's kinda crazy to think about.


If you are raising a family, and your family just got started in the last few years, we wrote this guide to uncover the things that other guides might not have considered. For example:

Healthcare Costs Beyond the Basics: Think about healthcare not just in terms of regular check-ups and vaccinations. As your child grows, there may be unexpected healthcare needs, from orthodontics to treat that charming but crooked smile, to specialized care for learning disabilities or physical therapy for sports injuries. These are rarely front of mind for new parents, but they can significantly impact your financial planning.

Education Supplements: Public or private school? That's often just the beginning of the conversation. There are after-school programs to boost learning, tutoring sessions for the SATs, or even early investment in STEM camps to give your child a leg up in highly competitive fields. And let's not forget the potential need for private music lessons or sports coaching to nurture your child's talents.

Tech and Digital Learning Tools: In a world increasingly driven by technology, equipping your child with the right tools is crucial. Beyond just the latest laptop or tablet, think about the software subscriptions for educational apps, coding classes, or even virtual reality setups that could offer unparalleled learning experiences.

Cultural and Global Exposure: Raising a globally aware child in today's interconnected world might mean investing in travel that educates as well as entertains. Learning a new language through immersion, understanding different cultures through travel, or participating in international volunteer projects can be invaluable experiences for your child's development.

Sustainability and Ethical Living: As awareness of environmental issues grows, so too might your family's interest in sustainable living. This could include investments in eco-friendly home modifications, organic food choices, or even electric vehicles. Teaching your child to live sustainably might carry upfront costs but also instills lifelong values.

Preparing for the Digital Economy: With the digital economy expanding, your child will likely navigate a world of cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and jobs that don't yet exist. Early education in digital literacy, financial technology, and online safety will be critical, alongside savings for emergent forms of digital investment.

Insurance for the Unexpected: While life insurance and health insurance are givens, have you considered the potential need for disability insurance or long-term care insurance? These are crucial considerations to ensure your family's financial stability in the face of unforeseen challenges.

So, not only did we write this for you, but we also wrote this for ourselves, our team members and our close friends. This topic is important to us because we want to see families continue to thrive, and finances are an important part of a family's wellbeing.

Who would benefit from reading this? 

  1. Families starting the wealth management process 
  2. Families looking to improve their financial strategy
  3. Families looking to teach their children about financial management
  4. Soon-to-be parents who want to stay ahead of the curve

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Ok, let's get back to what you're here for: Family Finances.

Step 1) Set Financial Goals and Track Progress

As you navigate the financial landscape of raising a family, setting clear, attainable goals is crucial. These goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Whether it's saving for your child's college education, building an emergency fund, or planning for retirement, having well-defined targets will help you stay on track.

Once you've set your goals, it's equally important to regularly monitor your progress. This can be done through simple spreadsheets or by using financial planning apps that automate the process. Tracking your progress will not only keep you motivated but also help you identify areas where you may need to adjust your strategy.

Consider setting up regular family financial meetings where you discuss your goals, review your progress, and make any necessary adjustments. This not only keeps everyone accountable but also teaches your children valuable lessons about financial planning and responsibility.

Remember, financial goals are not set in stone. Life happens, priorities change, and unexpected events can derail even the best-laid plans. Be prepared to adapt your goals as needed, but always keep your long-term financial health in mind.

By setting clear financial goals and diligently tracking your progress, you'll be better equipped to navigate the costly but incredibly rewarding journey of raising a family in today's complex financial world.

The Benefits of Effective Family Wealth Planning

Managing family wealth effectively brings numerous benefits, from securing financial stability to ensuring a lasting legacy. The main benefit of properly managing the wealth of any family is creating an environment where the values of the matriarch or patriarch are properly passed down to generations. 

Ensuring Long-term Financial Security

The primary goal of family wealth management is to secure a family's financial future, providing peace of mind that resources will be available for future needs and aspirations.

Legacy Planning and Generational Wealth Transfer

A well-thought-out wealth management plan ensures that wealth is transferred across generations efficiently, minimizing losses due to taxes or legal complications. This includes estate planning and insurance but also conversations with the entire family to explain the financial picture. 

Tax Optimization and Efficiency

Strategic planning allows families to optimize their tax situation, ensuring that more wealth is retained and can be passed on to future generations


Family wealth management is more than just managing assets; it's about ensuring the financial well-being and legacy of your family for generations to come. By understanding its components, recognizing the benefits, and avoiding common pitfalls, families can create a comprehensive plan that meets their unique needs and goals. 

With the right strategy and support, managing family wealth can lead to long-term financial security and a lasting legacy.

purple graphic with text that reads "your family legacy" and a white icon of a big family of stick figure style graphic, 2 grandparents, 4 parents, 4 children


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