Calculator: How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last

Planning for retirement can feel like navigating uncharted waters, but having the right tools can make all the difference. One of the most crucial questions retirees face is: "How long will my savings last?" Our retirement savings calculator is designed to help you answer that exact question.


In this post, we'll explore how our calculator works, what metrics it considers, and how understanding these numbers can help you make more informed decisions about your financial future. We'll also dive into some key considerations for retirement planning that go beyond just crunching numbers.

This page also includes general tips for how to think about your overall retirement plan.

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Calculator: How long will my retirement savings last?

Below you can use the retirement savings calculator to determine how long your savings will last. It might be worth considering things like your dependents and taxes in an expense budget.

For details on how the calculator works, please scroll down to the "How it Works" section ⤵️


Note: this calculator provides an approximation and should not be viewed as financial advice. Please use your discretion with finance-related content found online. Our simple calculator is designed to be informational and educational. It's important to consult with a financial advisor or other financial professional to ensure that your retirement savings are adequate. Keep in mind that our calculator does not factor in any kind of taxes.

How This Retirement Savings Calculator Works

Our "How Long Will Retirement Savings Last?" calculator is a powerful tool that takes into account several key factors to give you a clearer picture of your financial future. Let's break down the main components:

1. Retirement savings

This is the total amount you've set aside for retirement. It's your starting point and the foundation of your retirement plan. Whether you've been diligently saving for decades or you're just getting started, this number is crucial.

2. Annual expenses

How much do you expect to spend each year in retirement? This figure should include everything from basic living costs to healthcare and leisure activities. Be realistic – your lifestyle in retirement may be different from your working years.

3. Expected inflation rate

Inflation is the silent eroder of purchasing power. Our calculator factors in an expected inflation rate to give you a more accurate long-term projection. Historically, inflation in the U.S. has averaged around 3%, but you can adjust this based on your expectations or current economic conditions.

4. Your current age

By including your current age, the calculator can provide more personalized results, such as the age at which your savings might be depleted.

5. Results and visualization

Once you input these factors, the calculator will estimate how long your savings will last, presented in years, months, and days. It also provides a visual representation, making it easy to grasp at a glance.

By considering the impact of inflation and your expected annual expenses, this tool gives an approximate outlook of your financial future. Please keep in mind that this calculator is meant for educational and informational purposes only. It's important to consult with a financial advisor who is licensed and qualified to help with your situation.

Illustration with the text 'Some advisors specialize in retirement' next to an icon of a person holding a cane, standing beside a checklist that includes symbols related to retirement planning, such as a house, shield, and medical cross, representing the focus on retirement expertise.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the retirement savings calculator work?

Our retirement savings calculator estimates how long your savings will last based on your current retirement savings, annual expenses, and expected inflation rate. By inputting your details, the calculator determines the number of years, months, and days your savings will last, assuming a consistent withdrawal rate and inflation. See the section above for more detail on how it works.

What inflation rate should I use?

The inflation rate can vary depending on economic conditions. Historically, inflation in the U.S. has averaged around 3%. However, if you expect inflation to be higher or lower in the future, you can adjust the rate in the calculator accordingly. It’s important to consider how inflation might affect your purchasing power over time.

Why is it important to include my age?

Including your age allows the calculator to provide more personalized results, such as estimating the age you will be when your savings run out. This information can help you better plan for your retirement years and make adjustments to your savings strategy if necessary.

How accurate are the results?

The calculator provides estimates based on the inputs you provide, but it’s important to remember that these are just estimates. The actual duration of your retirement savings may vary due to factors such as unexpected expenses, changes in inflation, and fluctuations in investment returns. Consider using this tool as a starting point for planning, and consult with a financial advisor for a more detailed retirement plan.

What if my savings run out before I expect?

If the calculator shows that your savings may run out sooner than expected, it might be time to reconsider your retirement plan. This could include reducing your annual expenses, delaying retirement, or exploring additional income streams such as part-time work or annuities. Planning ahead can help ensure that you maintain your desired lifestyle throughout retirement.

How often should I recalculate my retirement savings?

It’s a good idea to revisit your retirement savings plan annually or whenever you experience significant life changes, such as a change in income, expenses, or retirement goals. Regularly recalculating can help you stay on track and make any necessary adjustments.

Can this calculator help me plan for healthcare costs in retirement?

While this calculator focuses on overall retirement savings and expenses, healthcare costs are a significant consideration in retirement planning. We recommend factoring in potential healthcare expenses when calculating your annual expenses. You may also want to explore additional resources or tools specifically designed to estimate healthcare costs in retirement.

What if I have multiple sources of retirement income?

If you have multiple sources of retirement income, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, or rental income, you can subtract these amounts from your annual expenses before using the calculator. This will provide a more accurate estimate of how long your savings will last.

Where can I get more help with retirement planning?

For more detailed retirement planning, consider consulting a financial advisor who can provide personalized advice based on your unique situation. Additionally, explore our resources and articles on retirement planning, which offer tips and insights to help you make informed decisions.

How Can I Create a Budget for Retirement?

Whether it's only a short time horizon, or you have a nest egg that will last decades, one thing remains true for both scenarios: creating a sensible retirement budget involves evaluating your expenses and prioritizing your financial goals.

Start by tracking your current expenses to get an idea of your spending habits. This will help you identify areas where you can cut back and save more for retirement. Then, consider your financial goals and how you want to allocate your money. Make sure to include essential expenses like housing, food, and healthcare, as well as discretionary expenses for leisure activities and travel.

It's also important to set aside some funds for emergencies and unexpected expenses.

Social Security and other income sources

Don't forget to account for Social Security benefits, pensions, or other income sources in your retirement plan. These can significantly impact how long your savings will last.

Investment strategy

Your investment approach may need to shift as you near and enter retirement. Consider working with a financial advisor to ensure your portfolio aligns with your goals and risk tolerance.

Lifestyle adjustments

Be prepared to make adjustments to your lifestyle if needed. This might mean downsizing your home, relocating to a lower-cost area, or finding creative ways to reduce expenses.

Healthcare and Long-Term Care Costs

Healthcare and long-term care costs are important considerations when crafting a retirement budget. As you age, medical expenses tend to increase, so it's crucial to plan for these costs in advance. Research different healthcare options and estimate the costs of premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, consider the potential need for long-term care, such as assisted living or nursing home care. Long-term care insurance or setting aside funds specifically for these expenses can provide peace of mind and help protect your retirement savings.

Illustration with the text 'it's a lot to manage' next to a cluster of icons representing various financial elements, such as a piggy bank, dollar sign, graphs, credit cards, and a briefcase, symbolizing the complexity of managing finances.


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