Content Marketing for Financial Advisors is Broken

profile picture for drew, CEO of advisorfinder. drew has brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. drew is wearing a black shirt against a light purple gradient background.
Drew Keever
22 September 2023
8 min read

Why is it broken?

Because it seems like nearly 50% of advisors are posting the same canned content at the same seasonal schedule. Of course, this is a result of a few factors:

  1. Time / Efficiency: It's almost like advisors have a full time job doing something else other than creating content.
  2. Advisors are not Marketers: And they shouldn't be! Being authentic to yourself is more important than trying to publish content and grow your following.
  3. Compliance: Having an efficient content review process can make all the difference, but compliance will always be part of the equation.

Pitfalls of Generic Content in Engaging Potential Clients

Generic content often fails to truly engage potential clients, as it lacks the personal touch and specificity required to resonate with their unique needs and goals. When financial advisors rely on cookie-cutter content, they miss out on opportunities to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Here's why generic content falls short:

  • Lack of Personalization: Financial matters are inherently personal, and potential clients crave tailored advice that speaks to their individual situations. Generic content can come across as impersonal and detached, making it difficult for readers to relate or find value in the information presented.
  • Inability to Stand Out: With a plethora of financial advisors sharing similar content online, it becomes challenging for potential clients to differentiate between them. By offering fresh perspectives and insights, advisors can distinguish themselves from competitors and pique the interest of prospects.
  • Insufficient Expertise Demonstration: Generic content may not adequately showcase an advisor's knowledge, skills, or experience – all crucial factors in establishing trustworthiness. Customized content allows advisors to demonstrate their expertise by addressing specific concerns or trends relevant to their target audience.
  • Limited Engagement Opportunities: Pre-packaged content often lacks interactive elements or conversation starters that encourage reader engagement. By creating original material that sparks discussions or invites feedback, advisors can foster stronger connections with potential clients.

To overcome these shortcomings, financial advisors should strive for authentic and targeted content that reflects their unique voice and caters specifically to the needs of their audience. This approach will lead not only to increased engagement but also enhanced credibility within the industry. Compliance is not rocket science! 

Unique Challenges Financial Advisors Face in Content Marketing

  • Trust and Credibility: Building trust with clients is essential for financial advisors. Creating content that showcases expertise and experience is crucial, but striking the right balance between self-promotion and valuable information can be challenging.
  • Regulatory Constraints: Financial advisors must adhere to strict regulations when it comes to marketing activities. This may limit the topics they can discuss and require careful consideration of language, disclaimers, and disclosures.
  • Complexity of Topics: The world of finance can be complex, requiring financial advisors to simplify concepts without losing accuracy. Crafting digestible content that maintains its educational value is a difficult but necessary skill.
  • Audience Segmentation: Financial advisors often serve diverse clientele with varying needs and goals. Creating targeted content that addresses specific audience segments while remaining relevant to others requires strategic planning and execution.
  • Staying Current: The finance industry constantly evolves, with new trends, products, and regulations emerging regularly. Staying up-to-date on these developments and incorporating them into the content strategy can be time-consuming but is vital for maintaining credibility.

The Power of Storytelling and Emotional Connection in Financial Content Marketing

Financial advisors can significantly enhance their content marketing efforts by harnessing the power of storytelling and emotional connection. Stories have a unique ability to engage, captivate, and resonate with readers on a personal level. By incorporating storytelling into their content, financial advisors can humanize complex financial concepts and make them more relatable to their audience.

To create emotionally engaging content, advisors should focus on addressing the hopes, fears, dreams, and concerns of their clients. By empathizing with clients' emotions and experiences, they can forge stronger connections that go beyond the numbers. Here are some tips for incorporating storytelling and emotional connection in financial content marketing:

  1. Share Personal Experiences: Open up about your own financial journey or lessons learned from past experiences. This creates an authentic connection while showcasing your expertise.
  2. Highlight Client Success Stories: Share stories of how you've helped clients achieve their financial goals or overcome challenges. This not only demonstrates your abilities but also inspires trust in potential clients.
  3. Address Common Pain Points: Discuss common concerns or challenges faced by your target audience and offer valuable insights or advice on how to navigate them.
  4. Use Relatable Analogies: Simplify complex concepts by using relatable analogies that make it easier for readers to understand and connect with the subject matter.
  5. Incorporate Emotion-Driven Language: Use language that evokes emotions such as hope, security, and confidence to create a more compelling narrative.

By integrating storytelling techniques and fostering emotional connections in their content marketing strategy, financial advisors can better engage with their audience while building trust and credibility – key factors for success in the industry.

Actionable Tips to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

  • Develop a Content Calendar: Create a well-structured content calendar that outlines topics, formats, and publishing dates. This will help you stay organized, maintain consistency, and ensure timely delivery of relevant content.
  • Leverage Multiple Formats: Diversify your content offerings by utilizing various formats such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and webinars. Different formats cater to different audience preferences and can increase engagement levels.
  • Collaborate with Industry Experts: Partnering with industry experts or influencers can bring fresh perspectives to your content while enhancing credibility. Guest posts or interviews with subject matter experts can provide valuable insights to your audience.
  • Focus on Storytelling: Use storytelling techniques to make complex financial topics more relatable and engaging. Share real-life examples or client success stories that showcase the impact of your services.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Encourage comments and discussions on your content by posing questions or requesting feedback. Respond promptly to queries or concerns from clients and prospects, fostering a sense of community around your brand.
  • Monitor Metrics and Adjust Strategy: Regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, and lead generation to measure the effectiveness of your content strategy. Analyze data to identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach accordingly.

By implementing these tips in their content marketing strategy, financial advisors can overcome inherent obstacles while building trust, credibility, and long-lasting relationships with clients.

Don't Feel Bad for Not Having 1,000 Followers

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain

You have to start somewhere. it's easy to equate success with the number of followers or likes one garners on social media platforms. However, it's essential to remember that genuine growth and influence aren't solely determined by these metrics. Everyone's journey begins somewhere, and comparing one's start to someone else's peak is a recipe for discouragement. Instead of fixating on numbers, it's more productive to focus on creating authentic content, building genuine relationships, and continuously learning and adapting. Over time, with persistence and passion, the followers will come. But more importantly, the journey will be filled with meaningful interactions and personal growth, which are far more valuable than any numerical milestone.

Full disclosure, I have less than 200 followers on X (but I love each one of them). However, I have helped grow the followings of many brands and individuals. A good place to start is the 30x30 growth challenge for Twitter/X. Let's grow together!


Content marketing stands as a cornerstone for financial advisors seeking to build their brand and connect with potential clients. Yet, the current landscape reveals a broken system, with a significant portion of advisors recycling generic content, leading to a diluted message and missed opportunities for genuine engagement. The challenges are multifaceted, from regulatory constraints to the inherent complexities of financial topics. However, the solution lies in embracing authenticity, leveraging the power of storytelling, and fostering emotional connections. Financial advisors must recognize that the value of their content is not gauged by the sheer number of followers but by the quality of relationships and trust they cultivate. As the industry evolves, those who prioritize genuine, tailored content will undoubtedly stand out, forging stronger bonds with their audience and setting a new standard for content marketing in the financial sector.

profile picture for drew, CEO of advisorfinder. drew has brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. drew is wearing a black shirt against a light purple gradient background.
Drew Keever
11 September 2023
8 min read